Digital Systems Blog

Smart Lighting

5 Tips for Choosing a Smart Lighting IoT Platform 

This blog post is the second of a 2-part introductory series on Smart Lighting and IoT. In part 1, we highlighted how intelligent lighting systems are perfect platform for enabling smart building-related IoT applications.  In this post, we discuss what you should look for when selecting a smart lighting system as your IoT platform.

Smart lighting is playing a pivotal role in unlocking the power of the IoT and smart building applications beyond lighting. An intelligent, sensor-laden lighting system can form the central nervous system of a building, enabling smart lighting and other current and future IoT applications.

Why Human-Centric Lighting is the New Prescription for Eldercare

How often have we heard a frazzled parent explain a teenager’s irritable mood on lack of sleep? We all know that sleep plays a critical role in our mood and our levels of concentration and alertness. Through numerous research studies, we now know that quality of sleep also affects long-term health and overall wellbeing. Poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. 

Smart Lighting Control Systems are Solving Real-World Problems

LED lighting has come a long way from its initial days. Today it is combined with digital lighting controls to create smart lighting solutions that dramatically save on energy consumption and the related operating costs. But in addition to these savings, organizations deploying smart lighting solutions are achieving impressive results in other ways. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Manufacturer Adopts Smart Lighting System: Cuts Area Brownouts

A large manufacturer with over 1.3 million square feet of space uses a significant amount of power every day. During peak periods when energy usage was high, the local area was experiencing brownouts and the local utility company approached the manufacturer with incentives to reduce their hours of operation during these times as a means of avoiding a brownout situation.

How Small Things Make a Big Difference in Smart Lighting

Have you ever heard the phrase “small things make a big difference”? When working day-to-day, our focus is typically on the bigger picture and often the little things are overlooked. Sometimes small adjustments can make a big impact in cost savings, productivity, and tenant satisfaction.