Digital Systems Blog


Why Every Smart Building Needs a Sensor in Every Luminaire

Today, most facility managers are looking to increase building efficiencies while also preparing for the Internet of Things (IoT). Maintaining or increasing building efficiencies is no small task in its own right. When you add the impending explosion of IoT and smart building applications that ‘every facility manager should be prepared for’, the knowledge level and number of decisions required by facility management increases exponentially. What IoT applications should you launch and what infrastructure will need to be in place to support them?

Why Smart Buildings Need Smart Lighting Data

Smart buildings has been evolving rapidly in recent years. Sensors have become mainstream and integrated processes and systems are gaining traction, particularly with corporations that have large or complex commercial space footprints. Initially, energy efficiency was the driving force behind smart building technology and system adoption. Today however, smart buildings are focused on the interconnection of technologies and systems that make buildings intelligent and responsive to the needs of owners, operators and occupants.

How Integrated Sensors in Luminaires are Changing Commercial Real Estate

Luminaires are becoming smart nodes on powerful data networks. How is this happening and what are the benefits of a sensor-rich network?


Best Practices for Using PIR Sensors

This post is the second of a 2-part introductory series on Passive InfraRed (PIR) sensors. In part 1, we highlighted how PIR sensors detect motion, discussed the importance of the sensor lens, and the different types of motion that can be detected.  Here we look at proper sensor placement and setting accurate sensitivity levels as well as how to reduce false triggers and sensor time-outs.

What are PIR Sensors and Why Do I Need Them?

Passive InfraRed (PIR) sensors are widely used in smart lighting systems and save money by dramatically reducing lighting usage and energy consumption. They are employed in offices and classrooms as well as in spaces with intermittent and unpredictable lighting usage such as corridors, stairwells, storage areas and parking garages. Lights can be programmed to either “dim” or “switch” in response to an occupancy status signal from a sensor. The strategy also improves comfort for occupants as they never have to enter a dark area or manually turn lights “On” or “Off”.