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Smart Building App

Where are we at with Smart Building Adoption?

Initially, energy savings was the central driver for smart building technology adoption. Substantiating that investment was straightforward and easily backed up.  Fast forward a decade, and many building owners and managers now realize the additional benefits of a connected, sensor-laden technology infrastructure that supports building efficiencies, predictive maintenance, physical security, and increased occupant safety, comfort and productivity. Energy savings remain part of the conversation, but it is not the only motivation.

A Checklist for Implementing Data Analytics in Commercial Real Estate

This blog post is the second of a 2-part introductory series on Data Analytics in Commercial Real Estate. In part 1, we showed that data analytics leverages verified data to reach decisions rather than using intuition or guesswork and is core to driving strategic business decisions.

Implementing or improving a data analytics program in commercial real estate requires upfront planning and several critical steps. Here’s a quick checklist to follow:

Why do Commercial Real Estate Decision-Makers Need Data Analytics?

“Data” is increasingly important to all organizations in the way that energy, raw materials and talent are. It has become an essential resource – table stakes, really – for today’s operations. And while “big data” is a buzzword that sometimes deters decision-makers from paying further attention to the topic, there are compelling reasons to look past the hype and focus on substance instead; that is, to put technology to work to extract business value from data.

Why Smart Buildings Need Smart Lighting Data

Smart buildings has been evolving rapidly in recent years. Sensors have become mainstream and integrated processes and systems are gaining traction, particularly with corporations that have large or complex commercial space footprints. Initially, energy efficiency was the driving force behind smart building technology and system adoption. Today however, smart buildings are focused on the interconnection of technologies and systems that make buildings intelligent and responsive to the needs of owners, operators and occupants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Smart Building IoT

Commercial buildings are truly getting smarter. Deploying advanced technologies not only improves building efficiencies and staff productivity but helps spur new and innovative services. The advent of IoT is helping drive costs down while increasing sustainability, safety, and comfort across commercial real estate.  

Osram and Facility Solutions Group (FSG) Partner for Smart Building IoT Solutions

Osram is partnering with Facility Solutions Group (FSG), a leader in building technology system design, integration, installation, and managed services, to offer turnkey smart building IoT solutions to the commercial, industrial and retail industries. 

Osram Pilots Smart Building IoT Solution at Mount Royal University

Smart Building IoT solutions have been touted as the Holy Grail for commercial real estate (CRE) owners and managers with many seeking the benefits of data-driven, real-time applications that will modernize a business or learning space. What building owner or manager doesn’t want to delight a tenant, streamline facility operations, optimize the square footage charged monthly, or create a more productive, healthier, ‘green’ space that warrants a premium?

5 Reasons to Rethink CRE Capacity Planning

Work is now “what we do” not a “place where we go.” This is how authors of a Deloitte report, “Advanced Workspace Strategies: Enabling Today’s Mobile Workforce” described modern work environments and they couldn’t have said it better.Work-life balance is gradually being phased out by work-life harmony as technology enables employees to assert more autonomy over their schedules. Unsurprisingly, more and more workers are choosing to scrap commutes and braid work tasks seamlessly into their lives.

Conference Room Optimization: Is your Company Wasting Space?

Determining the right mix of coveted conference room space is a growing challenge for many organizations. Some struggle with a recurring shortage of available space rooms. Others are wasting money due to a chronic problem of vacant seats in meeting rooms. And many organizations wrestle with both – lack of available rooms and underutilized seats.

Osram and Rifiniti Team Up to Offer Smart Building IoT Solutions

Osram has teamed up with Rifiniti, a leader in workplace analytics software, to offer smart building IoT solutions to the commercial real estate industry that improve operational efficiencies, occupant comfort and the bottom line. The solutions guide major real estate decisions such as capacity planning and conference room rationalization by combining rich data collected via Osram’s smart lighting technology infrastructure with Rifiniti’s powerful workplace analytics software. As part of the partnership, Osram will offer Rifiniti Optimo software as a solution (SaaS) to Encelium® Extend light management system customers.