Digital Systems Blog

Lighting Controls

A New Syllabus for Classroom Lighting

Providing children a quality education is a national priority. Curriculum, school culture, teacher effectiveness, and test scores have long been used as measurements for school success and student performance. 

Smart Control Strategies for Lighting and Plug Load

Advances in lighting technologies coupled with building code requirements have resulted in a sharp decline in the amount of electricity used for lighting commercial buildings. Despite that success, there is still room for substantial improvement. The most recent report by the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), says that lighting still accounts for 17% of all electricity consumed in U.S. commercial buildings. 

Manufacturer Adopts Smart Lighting System: Cuts Area Brownouts

A large manufacturer with over 1.3 million square feet of space uses a significant amount of power every day. During peak periods when energy usage was high, the local area was experiencing brownouts and the local utility company approached the manufacturer with incentives to reduce their hours of operation during these times as a means of avoiding a brownout situation.

Three Ingredients for Personalized Lighting in the Workspace

People crave a personalized experience--from the coffee we order in the morning, to the online shopping sites that ‘know’ our preferences, to the vacation tours we find when browsing travel sites that are a ‘match’ with our bucket list. It’s no surprise that promises of ‘a personal experience’ are touted everywhere and widely encouraged. We’ve come to expect it in all aspects of our life.

Daylight Harvesting is a Valuable Lighting Control Strategy often Overlooked

Winter is coming!  And with it shorter days and an increased need for more artificial light. This in turn is prompting many organizations to consider new lighting control strategies to reduce energy consumption without negatively impacting their tenants or workers.  One smart lighting control strategy that we find often overlooked or perhaps misunderstood is daylight harvesting.  So let’s take a look at what it is and how it can be beneficial.  

How Small Things Make a Big Difference in Smart Lighting

Have you ever heard the phrase “small things make a big difference”? When working day-to-day, our focus is typically on the bigger picture and often the little things are overlooked. Sometimes small adjustments can make a big impact in cost savings, productivity, and tenant satisfaction.