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Top 3 Space Optimization Applications Transforming Modern Commercial Workplaces

office-space-1744803_1920The commercial workplace is on the cusp of further transformation.  And it’s all about the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT).  We have seen a host of home IoT applications deployed, and now our offices are set to be revolutionized. Lighting is playing a vital role in this upheaval.  Since lighting is pervasive throughout most buildings and IoT sensors can be integrated into every luminaire, each light can become a data node on the network, opening the possibility to a whole new world of IoT applications for the workspace.

With ubiquitous sensing throughout a space, smart lighting systems are the perfect conduit for collecting data on what is happening in the building at any given time. Sensors collect all sorts of data in a space including changes in daylight level and occupancy. This data is powering a whole new set of space optimization applications that can cut real estate costs, enrich the workplace experience, and facilitate modern workplace design.

Because technology and attitudes have evolved in the workplace, more workers are mobile and working remotely with only occasional visits to the office. Employees want to work in an environment that offers various workspace options instead of being relegated to a traditional office or desk for their entire workday. A modern, connected work environment is an asset that can help attract and retain top talent. Workspace changes can be expensive, so fact-based decisions are a must. 

Restack Space Efficiently

Perceptive space optimization applications can help create more efficient workspaces. 

Some boast interactive dashboards that highlight space optimization opportunities and provide data on how your space is really being used. These applications enable fact-based informed decisions to help optimize office portfolios. 

Using occupancy analytics, space can be optimized based on how heavy the traffic is in an area, who actually uses the space, how they use it, and when they use it.  Based on this data, you can determine the appropriate amount of space required as well as the best configuration options. For example, data can evaluate where break rooms are needed, how many and what size huddle rooms are optimal, and the best location for the cafeteria. 

Workplace data, including historical usage and trends, can be used to help reduce unused space and costs and plan for future space requirements. This utilization data can also assist employees. Kiosks and devices can quickly show employees when they arrive at the office what space is available for them to work at or where team members are residing so they can join them, encouraging collaboration and productivity. 

People, processes and place all factor into a thriving, productive organization.  Some companies move over 50% of their staff every year. Restacking makes space more efficient by identifying and prioritizing locations for departments, teams, and individuals based on who they work closely with and the type of activities they do.

Consolidate & Upgrade Space

Often organizations aim to move to Class A space but find it hard to justify.  Occupancy analytics can help by providing detailed data for more informed real estate decisions. For instance, the optimum space may be smaller square footage than what currently is rented.  Analytics may offer options like moving to a smaller yet more modern and productive space for the same price tag. 

Optimize Conference Room Utilization

The right amount of sought-after conference room space has always been a challenge for companies. Rooms can sit idle for hours or days, or be at such a premium that there isn’t one available for an important meeting. Today’s mobile workforce has significantly upped the difficulty of determining the ratio of conference space size to staff.  

Applications that leverage IoT data measure actual conference space utilization to calculate the optimum number of conference rooms, as well as room size and location, to maximize space usage. These cutting-edge applications help balance supply and demand effectively and adjust it as demand changes.  Case in point, based on actual occupancy usage of the space, a 12 person conference room that is consistently occupied by only four to six people may better serve needs if split into two smaller conference rooms.

Additional capabilities allow real-time check in to see if a booked conference room is actually in use or available, without having to walk over to the room to see if it is occupied. Also, the application enables you to find a conference room that has the technical features that meet your requirements.

As the development of valuable IoT applications continues, the pace of adoption will increase and businesses will come to expect these features. 


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Topics: Trends, Smart Building App