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ACEEE Honors Outstanding Energy Efficiency Programs

ACEEE_JpegThe American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) acts as a catalyst to advance energy efficiency policies, programs, technologies, investments, and behaviors. The organization believes that the United States could reduce its energy use—by as much as 40-60% by 2050—if we are willing to embrace a more focused and aggressive approach. The organization achieves its mission by:

  • Conducting in-depth technical and policy analyses
  • Advising policymakers and program managers
  • Working collaboratively with businesses, government officials, public interest groups, and other organizations
  • Convening conferences and workshops, primarily for energy efficiency professionals
  • Assisting and encouraging media to cover energy efficiency policy and technology issues
  • Educating consumers and businesses through reports, fact sheets, conferences, webinars, videos, social media, and websites

Exemplary Energy Efficiency Programs

In January 2019, the ACEEE honored 53 of the United States’ leading energy efficiency programs with the Exemplary Program Award. The recipients include both electric and natural gas utilities, and programs range from low-income residential to strategic energy management for large businesses, and from high efficiency lighting to complete building retrofits. By publicly recognizing utilities and other administrators that fund and deliver excellent energy efficiency programs, the ACEEE hopes others will leverage these successful program approaches to improve their own program designs. The awards accompany ACEEE’s publication, The New Leaders of the Pack: ACEEE’s Fourth National Review of Exemplary Energy Efficiency Programs.

“These programs deliver energy savings that not only help customers save money, they also benefit the environment by reducing carbon emissions and other pollutants,” said Martin Kushler, a senior fellow with ACEEE. “Moreover, since these programs save energy at lower costs than other forms of new supply, the whole economy benefits. This is truly a ‘win-win’ situation.”

Program administrators face a constantly evolving set of challenges to administering successful energy efficiency programs.  As policymakers increase energy savings targets and adopt more-stringent codes and standards over time, program developers and designers continue to innovate. Today's leading program implementers have been building on and incorporating utility industry lessons for more than 30 years. They have enhanced program approaches and marketing and introduced new generations of high-efficiency products and technologies while maintaining cost effectiveness and increasing savings.

Energy savings isn’t new with smart lighting. Here are a few examples of how organizations save big.

School district saves 57- 65%

Manufacturer saves 60%

Medical Center saves 57%

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Topics: Lighting Controls, Energy Efficiency