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10 Tips on Selecting the Best Smart Lighting IoT Platform

HubSpot TestAn intelligent Light Management System (LMS) is an ideal IoT platform. It integrates sensors, control software, cloud connectivity, wireless communications and more to create a flexible infrastructure solution that supports data-driven automated lighting solutions and other smart building-related applications. Lighting is ubiquitous throughout commercial spaces. When sensors are a significant part of the light management system, the solution provides the ideal means of collecting data about the environmental conditions and use of the building.

Choosing the right platform is not easy but is critical for long-term success. Here are ten tips on what to look for when choosing a platform.

  1. Open architecture -A standards-based, non-proprietary platform is key to enabling the variety and number of potential IoT applications that will surface, including those from start-ups.
  2. Cloud connectivity - The platform needs the capability to connect to the cloud for data storage and SaaS-based IoT applications such as space utilization, asset tracking, conference room and desk bookings, and more.
  3. Scalable - Select a software-based, scalable infrastructure that can grow in size and scope so that you protect your investment as you grow. A scalable infrastructure empowers you with the freedom and peace of mind that comes with knowing you have the right foundation to support more features and functionality when needed.
  4. Easy integration and implementation – Look for a system that is easy to integrate with your current systems, practically painless to implement, and has a fast learning curve. The easier it is, the faster you will derive its benefits.
  5. Comprehensive service & support – Does the vendor have a good track record of excellence? Do they have multiple ways of providing service and support including a responsive customer support center and online tools and resources? One way to determine if you are dealing with a good service organization is from the first phone call. Do you connect directly with a person or have to leave a voice mail? Were your questions answered or appropriately directed to additional experts or resources who responded in a timely manner?
  6. Security measurements at every touchpoint – Since IoT is inherently a networked application, security at every touchpoint is mandatory. Look for systems that have strong authentication processes that deter unauthorized access to the lighting control infrastructure.
  7. Strong ecosystem of partners – A wide range of firms from start-ups to multi-billion dollar organizations will develop new IoT applications. Access to a broad ecosystem is critical but it fundamentally conflicts with a proprietary platform strategy. You don’t want your options to be limited. Choose an open, cloud-connected platform that offers the tools to enable more developers to deliver more innovative apps quickly and cost-effectively.  
  8. User-Friendly - Choose a system that is easy-to-use for both facility managers and occupants. As smart systems evolve, facility managers will be able to support personalized lighting with personal scene settings, light layering and intuitive control interfaces that enable occupants to select their preferred light levels in their workspaces.
  9. Flexible - Choose an infrastructure that supports change quickly. Most office space is reconfigured regularly to accommodate people movement and space adjustments. As you reconfigure space and/or move people, chances are you will need to adjust lighting and other smart building applications as well. Select an infrastructure that offers great flexibility independent of any hard-wired electrical circuitry.
  10. Wireless - Select a system that supports a combination of wireless and wired. Wireless technology has improved drastically over the past five years and it will continue to improve moving forward.  In the not so distant future, virtually everything will be wireless including emerging IoT applications that will make your smart building even smarter, so be prepared. To learn more on this topic, read our recent blog post 5 Commercial Wireless Lighting Myths that Need Debunking.

 To learn more about Smart Lighting IoT Platforms, check out our eBook below.

Connected Lighting Meets IoT


Topics: Connected Lighting & IoT