Digital Systems Blog

Top 5 Smart Lighting Blog Posts for 1st Half of 2019

Trends in Smart LightingWe are almost at the half-way mark of 2019 and it’s time to take a look at what content is trending on the Digital Systems Blog. Our industry is changing so rapidly, it is no wonder that four out of the top five most popular posts are looking at the what, why, and how of commercial lighting trends.

Let’s take a closer look.

Top 5 Commercial Lighting Trends in 2019 

Disruption is the new norm in the lighting industry. Commercial lighting is now more than illumination as seen by our top five trends for 2019:

  1. Occupant Health and Wellbeing Takes Center Stage
  2. Lighting Systems--the Tech Infrastructure for IoT
  3. Space-as-a-Service Enters Sharing Economy
  4. Optimum Space Utilization Enabled by Lighting System Data
  5. Green is Growing

What You Need to Know about LED Drivers 

The benefits of LED lighting are widely accepted. As compared to incandescent technology, LED lighting uses significantly less energy for the same levels of light, and have a significantly longer lifetime. In addition, LEDs are more rugged and durable than traditional incandescent bulbs and are recyclable. But many people don’t realize the importance of the LED driver selected and designed into the fixture. LED drivers significantly influence the performance, reliability and lifetime of a luminaire.

What is the Connection between Smart Lighting and IoT?

The term ‘Internet of Things’ is a growing topic of conversation. What exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT) and what does smart lighting have to do with it?  Smart lighting is playing a pivotal role, unlocking the power of the IoT and smart building applications. Lighting is ubiquitous throughout all buildings and every luminaire is connected to a source of power.  It is the perfect conduit for collecting data on what is happening in the building at any given time. Sensors are embedded in the luminaire making each light point a data node on the network.

What’s the Next Step in Smart Lighting? IoT Data

There is no doubt about it, the buildings of the future will continue to incorporate smart technologies, using automation to control and optimize operations. Today, most buildings have some level of intelligence built into individual HVAC, lighting, security or other building function however, the Internet of Things (IoT) is taking building automation and control to a new level.

Space-as-a-Service Emerges as the Hot New Business Model in Commercial Real Estate

The commercial real estate industry is at an inflection point as a number of parallel trends are shaping transformation in the industry. Space-as-a-service is a complete shift in mindset. It refers to space that is procured on-demand, whether by the hour, day, week, month or year. It also refers to a workplace (however procured) that provides the spaces and services appropriate for the “job to be done” of every individual, as they need it, when they need it.


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Topics: Trends