Digital Systems Blog

Osram and Rifiniti Team Up to Offer Smart Building IoT Solutions

Rifinity Osram has teamed up with Rifiniti, a leader in workplace analytics software, to offer smart building IoT solutions to the commercial real estate industry that improve operational efficiencies, occupant comfort and the bottom line. The solutions guide major real estate decisions such as capacity planning and conference room rationalization by combining rich data collected via Osram’s smart lighting technology infrastructure with Rifiniti’s powerful workplace analytics software. As part of the partnership, Osram will offer Rifiniti Optimo software as a solution (SaaS) to Encelium® Extend light management system customers.

Why Workspace Analytics?

The lingering aftereffects of the global recession, skilled labor shortages and stock market volatility, continue to put pressure on organizations to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their real estate portfolios. In addition, changes in work, technology, social norms and the workforce are changing the way workers use the workplace.

With real estate costs being the second largest expense after employee salaries and benefits, it’s extremely valuable for companies to analyze and optimize workspace utilization. By implementing workspace analytics, companies can continuously monitor their office space use and employee mobility. The resulting analytics then guide them to consolidate, reprogram or restack spaces with a high degree of confidence, optimizing real estate costs and producing workspaces that increase employee engagement and productivity.

Workspace analytics helps CRE leaders to transform their portfolio from a corporate expense into a strategic asset. Using actionable insight, companies make faster, smart decisions to reduce real estate costs, increase productivity, delight employees and improve their financial performance.

How it Works

Lighting enables commercial office space to become “smart” – creating the right level of light where and when needed. Lighting is an ideal IoT platform because it is ubiquitous throughout the workspace.

Osram sensors, such as the new SensiLUM wireless sensor embedded in luminaires, serve as ideal data nodes on a smart lighting network such as the Encelium® Extend Light Management System (LMS). Lighting and environmental data collected from these nodes are stored on Osram’s new cloud platform, Lightelligence™.

The stored data can be accessed via an API by third-party analytics software developers such as Rifiniti, offering SaaS for smart building applications beyond lighting. This solution removes the guesswork out of space utilization – commercial real estate professionals are now able to see exactly how each space is utilized.

Rifiniti’s Optimo workplace analytics software solutions include capacity planning and conference room rationalization that enable businesses to optimize commercial office space and boost efficiency while providing employees with flexible, modern workplaces.

Here are other articles that may  interest you.

Conference Room Utilization: Is your Company Wasting Space?

5 Reasons to Rethink CRE Capacity Planning

To learn more about IoT-enabled workspace analytics, download the brochure below.

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Topics: Smart Building App