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Manufacturer Adopts Smart Lighting System: Cuts Area Brownouts

smart lightingA large manufacturer with over 1.3 million square feet of space uses a significant amount of power every day. During peak periods when energy usage was high, the local area was experiencing brownouts and the local utility company approached the manufacturer with incentives to reduce their hours of operation during these times as a means of avoiding a brownout situation.

Brownouts are periods during which line voltage is significantly lower than normal and can unintentionally happen when power demand exceeds capacity. The irregular power supply during the brownout can wreak havoc and damage electronics including appliances, computers, motorized equipment, and other electronic devices.

Instead of reducing hours of operation, the manufacturer took an alternative approach and installed a smart lighting system which resulted in a 60% reduction in overall energy usage.

How did the company do it?

  1. LEDification - The company replaced their traditional fluorescent and metal halide fixtures with 0-10V dimmable LED technology, selecting one luminaire for deployment across the entire facility.
  2. Daylight Sensors – Daylight sensors are used for dimming down lights (ambient and task) as daylight increases, and user requests are required for dimming up lights.
  3. Task Tuning –To create a uniform level of light across multiple ceiling heights, the company leverages task tuning between 45-70% of maximum light output, making the space safe and comfortable for employees while saving energy.
  4. Occupancy Sensors - Lights are programmed to turn off in response to an occupancy status signal from a sensor when spaces are unoccupied.
  5. Load Shedding - Individual luminaires or zones are turned off or dimmed during system-wide peak demand periods.
  6. Real-Time Dashboards - Dashboards report lighting energy consumption empowering the company to adjust specific zones or individual luminaires quickly and easily.

The smart lighting system enabled the manufacturer to implement energy management strategies that reduced energy consumption by 60%--a significant savings to the local grid and to the company’s operating expenses.

To learn more, download the case study below.


smart lighting


Topics: Smart Lighting, Lighting Controls, Project Spotlight